cultivating conscious living to align with your aspirations.
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“Jessica is an energetic spirit and at the same time a sanctuary of serenity. She can help you explore where you need to go, gather the material you need to work on, then, bring it to the center, ground it, listen fully and then bring forward the best tools and insights for navigation. She is nonjudgmental, open-minded and has spiritual insight. With this eye for navigation, she is able and willing to help you dive into the liminal space to look for answers, help bring back into the linear world and make sense of them to help you navigate your life.
Before Jessica provides tools and words of wisdom, she allows me to take off my cloak or fears or whatever I am carrying, come into her sanctuary energy and listen to me without judgment at full capacity. As she listens she finds the tools needed to unravel, dissect and to helps me tune into my inner guidance and figure out the best way to move ahead on my path.
Jess provides an invitation into a circle of safety, holds space, lets you unravel, supports you in dissecting and identifying the insights, tools and guidance you need.
Jess has helped me to learn that the only thing I can do in this life is fix me. That the only job I have is to do my work on myself and that from there people will either enjoy my evolved self, back away or follow suite and engage in their own growth and share the journey. ”
— Poppy - Washington, DC
“I think a lot of people my age just go through the motions and go through the steps, yet a lot of people want to make conscious intentional decisions. But, it is really hard to do on your own. You have emotions, you are triggered, you’re in your head, you might not be seeing things clearly. For me personally, the decisions that I am making in my life are going to impact my life for the rest of my life. They are big decisions.
So, having that support and guidance to go into them consciously, strategically, intentionally is what our working together has offered. It has made me take a step back to be conscious, and that has changed my life’s patterns.
It’s like practice, the more we work together with the non-judgment the more I am able to approach situations with non-judgment. I think people don’t realize how much taking away that judgment can actually change your life, so much.
When you get to this point when you’re really working through these issues and trying to be self aware you can get lonely sometimes. So feeling that connection with other people going through the same, is huge.”
— Caroline - Washington, DC
“My work with Jessica changed my life forever.
I found Jessica during a period in my life where I was undergoing a great awakening and transformation of old patterning that no longer served me.
Her clarity, divine light, patience, and her own divine embodiment provided a clear mirror that I needed to do my own inner work.
The best part is - sessions with Jessica were fun! I always looked forward to them! Although we did very deep inner work that invited and called me to look deep into parts of my consciousness that needed to be brought to the light, I always enjoyed it. The resonance she held allowed all of those parts of me - many of which I had been too ashamed to look at - to come to the session and be loved.
Her divine embodiment makes it accessible for you to access the parts of your consciousness that need to be brought to the light and loved into wholeness.
While I could never have imagined it at the time, I was able to evolve beyond those parts of my consciousness. It took time, but those patterns transformed and lifted.
Jessica is also a highly talented astrologer. Her reading of my chart provided a lens that I was able to see clearly the context of the life path my Soul & higher self paved ahead of time. This helped me understand what was occuring in my life and also accept what was arising as something that I had chosen as a pathway of learning, and also something I could alchemize through love, presence, and consciousness.
Finally, Jessica holds a powerful alchemical space in her work with the earth & elements. She draws upon sacred practices, both inherent to her own unique blueprint and also learned from her training. Her elemental & embodiment practices facilitate emotional transformation & teach those she works with how to do the same.
I am so grateful for my work with Jessica and recommend her highly. She is a clear mirror for healing, empowerment, and transformation. ”