Moon Circles 

I host Moon Circles for Women to honor the beauty and wonder of nature, to align with the rhythms of the the universe, to reflect each other's beauty, value each other's creativity and hold space for each other's aspirations and intention.

Our gatherings are opportunities to join in sacred space and ritual practices for self-inquiry, release, affirmation and manifestation depending on the phases of the moon and seasonal symbolism.

The intention is to evolve a community in which we grow together, where  each woman participates and  leads according to her particular gifts and her desires over time.

Spring Equinox Circle
Sunday, March 19th

Beltane Circle
Sunday, April 30th

Summer Solstice Circle
Friday, June 23rd

There will be a $15 contribution per circle to support the sustainability of these gatherings.

Interested in joining the circle? Email

Beltane Circle
Sunday, April 30th

Summer Solstice Circle
Friday, June 23rd

There will be a $15 contribution per circle to support the sustainability of these gatherings.

Interested in joining the circle? Email