Cultivating Sacred Space Enhances and Empowers your Personal Practices

Designating and creating a space of your own where you can engage in meditation, reflection and openhearted inquiry is a potent and enlivening practice to nourish personnel evolution. When we actively cultivate this space we harness at least three powerful concepts found in myriad spiritual traditions as well as secular modes of psychological healing and transformation.

External circumstances reflect our internal conditions.

Positive feedback loops enhance and amplify change.

Using symbolism is highly effective at working on different levels of consciousness when engaging in psychological or spiritual work.

While creating and tending a personal or family sacred space at home is a practice found in different spiritual systems and cultures, the universal concepts that underpin the practice are not exclusive to a spiritual orientation nor are they bound to doctrine or dogma. In essence, this practice works with fundamental psychological function and metaphysical energetic principles that are as secular as they are spiritual;                                                                      it all depends on the orientation of the practitioner.

A personal practice space can be as small as single bookshelf (as mine is) tucked into a wall of books, a low table with a bulletin board behind it to pin images/words that inspire or as large as an entire room. What matters is that it is a place intentionally designated to reflect and mirror what is within you. It is a place to externalize soulful urgings and personal insights that support healing, personal evolution and the manifestation of your intentions.

I was thrilled when a friend shared that she has set aside time this summer to turn their attic into a personal sanctuary to engage in dreaming, musing and manifesting creative endeavors. This move comes after decades of relegating her deepest urgings as outside the realm of what was worth her time or attention. Witnessing her shift her perspective and direct energy toward creating space to tend to these aspects of herself enables is a joy to behold. It is so clear that these aspects of herself are, in fact, vitally important to her development as a person and her well being. Further, it enables her to offer the best of herself to her family and community in blossoming authenticity, from a place of personal connection and with deep pleasure.

However big or small, your space will be a place where your soul can speak its first language (symbolism) freely, fluently and to profound effect. Here you will place things that symbolically resonate on a subconscious level. Perhaps something you pick up on a walk in nature, a quote from a playbill or book that speaks to you, a postcard that called to you walking along the boardwalk with your family on vacation, an image from a magazine, a picture that you ran across of a beloved family member, a bracelet, necklace or ring from your jewelry box that symbolizes a relationship that needs some loving attention, healing or change.  

To have a place to bring symbols of the seeds within, give them space externally and attention daily creates a positive feedback loop that enhances and amplifies change. In so doing, we turn over the soil and bring to the surface vital aspects of ourselves require emotional release, psychological processing, spiritual insight, creative inspiration, planning & action. We tend what needs tending to bring our inner seeds into full bloom. 

This is a great time of year to engage in creating this space in our lives. Many of us instinctively & intuitively, moved by the clearing of the natural world through winter and the rebirth through spring, declutter our homes. We dispose of objects that have collected that do not serve and do not delight. In the process of consolidating and clearing, carve out a space for yourself to designate as personal sacred space. 

You will be inspired and heartened to see your positive feedback loop in action as you are inspired and empowered in mundane and mystical ways. The serendipitous surprises you will engender along the way will be sweet markers that you are a actively charting your own true path.


Preparing for Take-Off

On April 18th 2016 I was driving to Dulles airport in route to Tulum, Mexico to embark on a first time collaboration with Christine Koth in which we would share a journey with five stunning souls. This was a step into the unknown, a venture into vul…

On April 18th 2016 I was driving to Dulles airport in route to Tulum, Mexico to embark on a first time collaboration with Christine Koth in which we would share a journey with five stunning souls. This was a step into the unknown, a venture into vulnerability and a real walk along my growing edge. For five days we would immerse in deep practices and exploration of personal and profound aspects of who we are as humans. It was a realization of my hearts desire to craft an experience to offer what I have come to understand as central guiding principles for living in a way that reflects the wonder, meaning and mystery of embodied existence.


Orient to Love, Light and Truth

Attune in Full Perceptive Presence

 Express Authentically and in Appreciation

Honor and Hone our Intuitive Nature


I have come to think of embodying these intentions as making ones home in a liminal space where the spiritual and superficial or the mystical and mundane merge internally and from which our engagement with the external world transcends the illusion of duality. Here oneness is experienced in myriad manifestations of the sublime moment by moment as we chart our path in our day to day world. 


As I drove due west towards the airport, leaving behind my dear family for the week, I was headed straight toward the moon setting over the horizon. I observed her waxing and pondered her as representation the feminine and internal world of our emotions, memory, unconscious and collective unconscious cycling through time. Glancing in my rearview mirror I caught sight of the sun, representative of the external world, conscious mind, the masculine, manifestations in space emerging directly over the eastern skyline. I took a deep breath, touched the hand of my husband Paul and relished this moment of symbolic synchronicity; duality balancing in a liminal space along the the curvature of the Earth's surface. 


I charted this course all the way through our adventure in Tulum with two primary intentions for myself on the journey. First, embody the principles and practices we designed this experience to share in full service of the women who chose to join us. Secondly, to learn through the experience whether this new venture of creating and sharing experiences of this nature is aligned with my purpose in this life; to discover if this is a way to serve in the areas that are most meaningful to me using the gifts I have to offer. 


As we hoped, we shared a journey of sensual immersive exploration in deep presence, authenticity and explored our relationship with our intuitive knowing/internal guidance. We were restored and refreshed by the turquoise waters of the coastal landscape; offered what needs to be released and transformed to the sacred fire; expressed and sent forth our our intentions in the currents of ocean air; and grounded in the abundance and resourcefulness of the earth.


Nourished by the peace and deliciousness provided by the setting and generous spirits staffing our jungle hideaway. We were nurtured in ways that deepened our relationship with ourselves as creatures of an awe inspiring whole. Our hearts and minds were opened and expanded through practices and interactions of inquiry with ourselves, each other and the wise people of Tulum who we engaged to share with the group.


On our final morning we ventured to a little outcropping that juts into the ocean along the shore of Akumel to meditate upon the sunrise. Soaking in the moment with all my senses I offered my gratitude for the beautiful women around me and our shared experience to the oneness of all. Offering salutation to the sun emerging from the singing sea, I caught sight of the moon setting over the palms to the west and offered my sense of wonder and awe for this liminal space, seemingly elusive, yet eternally available...


I hope to see you there someday!