NEVER in my wildest dreams would have imagined I would become a professional astrologist!
Here is why I have:
We come into this world with a unique nature. We are open, curious, hungry for life, and human connection. We meet our “nurture” (the circumstances of our life) and thus begins a formative process. The development of our identity unfolds at the intersection of our innate nature and the contextual nurture that reflects the conditions of our family, community, religion, culture and political paradigm.
In the messages of our caregivers, the tenants of our culture, the dogma of our religion, the opinions of our peers and our position in the political context, we can lose the unique essence of our nature. As we internalize the context of our lives, our authentic voice, our soul’s perspective, our creative urges and heart’s desires can be obscured or distorted.
We feel this and it pains us, whether consciously or unconsciously, we long for something else and seek outside of ourselves to find what is missing. Looking to uncover our authenticity and essence, we look for an accurate reflection of our genuine nature and our inner knowing in people, places, philosophy and things. The reflections we find are most often incomplete, inaccurate or filtered through others’ projections.
While I do not understand how it works, just like I do not understand fully how genetic science works, I stand in awe of the accuracy and insight of the astrological perspective in reflecting the “nature” of our psyche, the dynamics of our thinking and emotions, the purpose of our soul’s journey and our lessons in this life.
In my experience with myown chart and in interpreting others, I have come to see astrology as the DNA of our psyche. Each natal (birth) chart is like a blueprint of the soul’s landscape in this lifetime. Just as we are individual and unique, a natal chart will not repeat for 24,000 years.
Within the intricate dynamic system of astrology as articulated by philosophers, observers and explorers of the human psyche and cosmic landscape over thousands of years, I find it to be angle for peering through the layers of “nurture” into the “nature” of myself and others.
A skillful astrological interpretation:
- fosters compassionate awareness of our deepest nature
- imparts insight into the ways we lose ourselves in the context of our lives
- supports clarity regarding internal patterns that trip us up
- yields directives for manifesting our gifts
- offers perspective on our life lessons and purpose
Astrology is powerful because it provides a dynamic and holistic lens on our lives; a view into our unconscious. With this angle of perspective we are empowered to heal our wounds, lean into our strengths, manifest the intimacy we crave and give ourselves permission to be who we came here to be.
Astrology is a game changer for those who truly long to take the reins and navigate their course skillfully toward the direction of their purpose in this lifetime. Through this lens we bring what rules us on the unconscious level to the level of conscious awareness where we can utilize this potent material to fuel our personal development and spiritual evolution.
This is why I have become an astrologist. It would be my honor and joy to offer you this perspective and support you in seeing into yourself through the eyes of the soul.