Looking for reasons to feel optimistic about where the world is headed?
Come to a celebratory evening of inspiring perspective, conversation, dance and music to deepen connection to ourselves and others in the midst of chaos.
We’re thrilled to offer a talk by Charles Eisenstein, author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible. Charles Eisenstein helps his audience re-frame how we can look and approach some of the seemingly intractable issues such as environmental pollution, social inequity, and financial exclusion, making his book a revolutionary wake up call to change-makers.
Eisenstein warns us not to draw the front lines in the battle over the future between the symptoms of a broken story. To address the cause of these global challenges, we have to reach deep into ourselves and rewrite the narrative we use to imagine who we are and how we relate to ourselves, nature, and humanity.
Join us in a night of community, healing, music, dance!
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM: Dinner, music by Annie Hodges and Mikuak Rai, and talk led by Charles Eisenstein
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM: Meditation led by Laurie Levin and Journey Dance led by Jessica Lusty
Follow Link to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reimagining-our-futures-tickets-42519942292
No one will be turned away by lack of funds. Need-based discount options are available. Please contact organizers for more information.
We are hosting this event to support the work of Charles Eisenstein. We kept ticket prices low so more community members can have access to it. Since the cost does not reflect the fullness of the value Charles brings, we invite everyone who is able to provide additional funds to visit his Patreon Page. We are so grateful he is joining us for the evening! Here's to sustainableparadigm-shifting work!