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Free Self-Mastery Workshop: Transformation: Explore the What, How, Where, When and Why of Change.

Whatever you believe about the origins of life, we all live the undeniable truth of evolution.

Whether we are adapting to our life circumstances mindfully is a key question for each of us to ask.


Because life is an amazing miracle; the time we have here is our chance to create something meaningful and beautiful.

For those of us who have experienced first hand the dark side of life, it can be a real stretch to reorient toward the inherent value and beauty of our existence. I know firsthand the challenge of making this shift.

For those of us who struggle to keep our heads above water with lives that seem to be running us, it can be hard to find time to ask these questions.

Still, I have experienced that grounding fully in the inherent value of being alive is a powerful salve for healing our wounds and that carving out time to reflect and plan is essential to living a fulfilling life.

How you answer the question of whether you are mindful of the way you are adapting day by day to the context of your life is the biggest determinant to whether your days will be imbued with the qualities, characteristics, feelings and experiences that reflect the beauty, pleasure, joy, love and connection that is possible?

Realizing these possibilities generally requires transformation of emotional, thought and behavioral patterns.

In this interactive Evolving Mindfully Self-Mastery Session we will:

  • Explore the What, How, Where, When and Why of Transformation.

  • Consider approaches to transformation that are doable, reasonable and honor our current circumstances.

  • Learn strategies to begin to make small shifts that add up to sustainable change.

Once we awaken to our responsibility to consciously adapt to the circumstances in our lives we see possibilities we have not seen before.

Earlier Event: April 6
Later Event: April 17
Integrated Flow