Do you find yourself making excuses and finding all sorts of reasons why the time isn’t right for you to do the things you know are exactly what you need, but______?
Do you talk yourself out of doing what you feel called to do in the voices of the people who you feel will judge you for striking out in a new direction or trying something new? I would try this, but ________.
Do you lie in bed in the middle of the night feeling anxious, disappointed, longing, fearful or disappointed, sensing what might help, but ________.
The truth is that what follows our “buts” are typically fears that take different form depending on our “nature” inherent biological predispositions or our “nurture” learned through socialization in families, peer groups and culture.
Some fear is healthy and keeps us out of real danger.
However, most of the fear that forms all the pesky “buts” that hold us back from experiences, opportunities and connections that will enrich our lives, must be engaged, understood and overcome.
What are the underlying fears that keep your but in the same place?
- Where do they originate and what do they serve?
- How can you learn from and move beyond them into your space of growth and freedom?