Are you asking the transformative questions?
Whether we are adapting to our life circumstances mindfully is perhaps the most transformative question we can ask.
Why? (a close runner up)
Because each individual life is an wondrous potent opportunity filled miracle AND the time we have here to realize our potential to experience the beauty and make a positive contribution is limited.
To see this we have to look outside of the paradigm of survival, striving and scarcity for a few minutes. To live it, we have to climb out of it.
How do we see clearly to think and outside of the mainstream paradigm while navigating it? (another really good question)
Realizing these possibilities generally requires transformation of emotional, thought and behavioral patterns.
Explore the What, How, Where, When and Why of Transformation.
Consider approaches to transformation that are doable, reasonable and honor our current circumstances.
Learn strategies to begin to make small shifts that add up to sustainable change.