Where do your fears and doubts have you caught?
What do you fear: intimacy, failure, success, death, rejection, public speaking, not being good enough ...?
Do you even fully understand how your unconscious fears and doubts are and the limitations they place upon you that forestall your realizing your intentions and aspirations?
In many respects, fear and doubt is a “normal” part of being human. In many situations fear and caution keep us out of legitimate danger.
Nevertheless, it is also true that until we engage our fears and doubts many opportunities that would enable us to evolve and actualize our gifts will go unexercised.
Without practical tools and an integrative approach to identify, track and navigate fear and doubt, we spin in patterns of anxiety, depression or avoidance.
I am passionate about supporting myself and others in learning to engage in ways that support us in realizing our gifts and evolving in this life.
Which is why on Friday the 3rd I will offer a Free Evolving Mindfully Self-Mastery Session to explore tools and strategies to learn to Navigate Fear to Exercise Opportunity and Realize Your Potential.