For most of us, realizing our resolutions, intentions and aims for this year will require us to make some changes and take some steps that may turn heads.
As our family, peers, colleagues and bosses take notice of the steps we are taking to empower ourselves, express authentically, try something novel, voice our needs and step-up in new ways, they may have a word or two to say.
For some of us, the critic lies within, we do not need an external reaction, just imagining what others with think is enough to cause us to pull back.
Whether internal or external feedback stops us in our tracks or causes us to recommit to ourselves, will depend on how we pay attention and process those internal and external voices.
Join me for a Self-Mastery session to assess how you can process comment and criticism to strengthen your resolutions and stay your course in 2018.
In this interactive self-mastery session we will explore:
- Awareness of how you respond to comment or criticism: actual or anticipated.
- Strategies to consider what you can learn from inner and outer critique.
- How to turn criticism on its head and recommit to your your authentic path.