As you reflect upon 2017 and consider your intentions for 2018, keep in mind one of the most important realizations one can have: the primary playing field of life is located within. Our life experience is first and foremost an inner game.
From here, everything else takes shape. The state of our nervous system; the perspective we have on our lives; the feelings we cultivate; the thoughts we fuel; are the “behind the scenes” factors that determine how our story plays out.
Our primary field of influence is our own inner landscape. Many of us live our lives without a substantive relationship to the most influential aspects of our lives.
We numb, deny or repress our feelings, which wreaks havoc in our nervous systems. We allow our thoughts to run without curation. We unconsciously conform or rebel against our family and social models, falling into lifestyles and habits that do not reflect our authenticity or mindful design.
At some point, often in the wake of a crisis or perhaps when we grow so tired of suffering the same set of feelings or circumstances that this inner production produces, some of us wake up and decide to get in the game.
Evolving Mindfully is an approach to life founded on this principle and actualized through self-inquiry and practices that develop our inner game. By learning to work with our nervous system, to support responding to rather than reacting to life, cultivating emotional intelligence and refining our thinking, we become our own supportive skillful coach, directing ourselves to realize our aims.
The process centers around cultivating psychical and energetic equilibrium to support emotional and mental equipoise. In my work with groups and individuals, we take a holistic approach and use the system of the Elements (Air, Fire, Earth and Water) as a framework to explore, understand, and adjust all of the aspects central to balanced wellbeing.
On this Solstice day, as the Sun begins its transit of Capricorn, symbolized by the Sea-goat, I invite you into a cycle of self-inquiry, intended to assess the state of your inner game.
Capricorn holds an archetype that is a bridge between the inner world and the outer world.
The Sea-goat embodies the ability to navigate the feeling, the emotion, and intuitive nature of the inner depths (Water), in combination with the characteristics of the mountain goat; whose steadiness, endurance, perseverance, self-sufficiency, and practicality are what its needed to navigate life's challenging terrain (Earth).
Join me in this process of earnest reflection to identify where you can focus in 2018 to bring balance and skillfulness to your inner game.
Choose to receive weekly Celestial Cycles inspiration, inquiries, and action steps to support yourself to enter 2018 awake and committed to your growth and the realization of greater balance, presence, and ease in your life.
To support you in entering a New Year with a perhaps new or deepened understanding of the Elemental way of thinking, I am offering a Free Self-Mastery Session on the Elements.
Air, Fire, Water and Earth carry deep and universal symbolism that reflect potent and powerful realities and aspects of being that, when considered consciously, can support us to live integrated, awake and fulfilling lives.
The Elements form the basis of many health systems including Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, as well as ancient psychology expressed through Astrology. When engaged actively, the Elements comprise a way of orienting toward self-awareness, self-direction, and self-actualization.