In my Evolving Mindfully journey, active engagement with different texts of all kinds is essential. This conversation between Anand Giridharadas and Krista Tippet, is one that contributed to my evolving in my relationship with key language in my area of focus.
In his book, Girdiharadas calls upon those whose decisions shape the rules of the game, as well as, ALL of US, whose micro decisions support the macro playing field, to grapple with the underlying assumptions we operate from and their effect in our world.
One of the aspects of Girdiharadas’ orientation, which I deeply appreciate, is his attention to the power of language to define and structure our world.
Knowing this, I grapple with word choice because the symbols/metaphors common within the realms of personal/collective growth, spiritually and evolution are so subjectively laden.
I am acutely aware that each person encountering something I write or say will understand the terms I utilize differently depending on their personal, familial, cultural, demographic, spiritual and/or religious background and predisposition.
I like this challenge because it pushes me to clarify the essence of what I desire to communicate.
One word choice that was prevalent in Girdiharadas and Tippets conversation is one that I have been wrestling with and have consciously decided to change my use of within my lexicon.
Girdiharadas’ uses “darkness" as a symbol for what I understand in this conversation to be our human capacity to engage in ways, individually and collectively, that give rise to suffering, are destructive and undermine what many of us would say we actually desire for ourselves, our families and communities.
Within this understanding, I wholeheartedly support his call for us to inquire into what he calls an “underdeveloped sense of human darkness”.
I agree that venturing into the part of our individual psyches to identify ideas, beliefs, habits and patterns that perpetuate conditions that DO NOT SUPPORT what we actually desire to be, feel, experience or perpetuate is essential to conscious evolution.
This exercise is central to everything I share through Evolving Mindfully because it helps us to eliminate that which undermines what we most desire to see flourish.
In communicating this aspect of self-awareness, I initially used the language of “dark” and “light” too.
When I listened to this conversation I was already in a conversation with myself about the fact that this was an unexamined choice.
I was realizing that I used “dark” and “light” because they are the metaphors handed down through the wisdom lineages I work within as well as the popular culture. As symbols, they functioned well and for years felt fairly neutral to me.
My use of “dark/darkness” has been related to a call to inquire into those aspects of ourselves that we relegate (consciously or unconsciously) to the recesses of our psyches and the inner workings of our minds.
When we explore our unexamined assumptions/stories/belief/emotional patterns, which have the capacity to do and often do harm or reinforce what is contrary to our stated intentions, we come into greater awareness.
Awareness gives rise to an opportunity to alter our thinking, speaking and acting.
From a place of awareness, we can come into alignment with what we fundamentally aspire to express and bring into being.
It felt somewhat ironic that, in my own journey to examine the unexamined places in my psyche, I come to understand how this dark/light dichotomy and symbolism actually contributes to a racist paradigm (NOT SOMETHING I WANT TO SUPPORT) in ways I did not realize.
As I was pondering this, I just happened to watch Spike Lee’s Malcom X on a flight. It was interesting that (according to this film) the first thing Baines, who mentored Malcom X in prison, had him do was look up the words "white" and "black" in the dictionary.
The way this scene spoke to what I have in the last many months come to an awareness of with respect to the light/dark linguistic dichotomy felt synchronistic.
It illuminated from another angle the way this dichotomy functions as an edification of light/white and a debasement of the dark/black that linguistically reinforces racism based on color.
As a result, I am committed to finding other terms to communicate what “dark” and “light” has symbolized in my offerings and ridding my work of this historical/cultural coding.
In the process, I am enriched by looking for terms that capture the essence without carrying the racial coding.
I believe it will actually add sharpness and precision to the ways that I communicate and reference what I heretofore used “light” and “dark” to symbolize.
Further, I am committed to bringing attention to it where I can, which may be quite an endeavor as the use of these metaphors is ubiquitous in the realms of personal and spiritual evolution.
As we move into this “season of light” I felt it was an opportune time to address this aspect of Evolving Mindfully and the commitment I am making within the context of our offerings.
I would LOVE to hear what this evokes in you and if you have suggestions for words that might replace the following terms in the lexicon of Evolving Mindfully.
Are you Communicating and Expressing from a Place of Awareness?
Photo Credit: Jeff Smith