Savoring what we Sow through the Seasons
Thanksgiving marks a threshold of the final frontier in an annual cycle. Here we enter a landscape full of occasions to reap the benefits of the the energy and attention we invested in evolving mindfully throughout the year.
The added tasks and festivities of the holiday season call us to refine the art of prioritizing to avoid feeling overwrought and harried.
Indulgences generously offered are invitations to practice discerning and savoring with all our senses. By truly taking pleasure in what we choose to consume we can resist the urge to overdo it.
The expectations of family and friends create moments to bring conscious communication to the forefront in order to listen deeply and hold our and others desires and needs with care.
The planning, procuring and preparation involved in hosting are opportunities to apply principles of simplicity to create experiences that are balanced and easeful.
And, when we feel our edge and find ourselves off kilter we can mine the moment to practice self-compassion and feel our growing edges, noting areas for growth in season ahead.
All of this really gets to the heart of evolving mindfully, as this approach to life is all about being conscious of the depth of potential in every moment.
How we navigate this potent period solidifies personal gains and set us up to enter another season of growth with a heart full of appreciation for the way we are living our lives.
Bringing mindful conversations to the table or mingling at parties can be a real gift to those you with gather with this season.
As you gather with friends and family, invite those you are with to take pause to honor the efforts each another have made in the last year to learn and grow.
Share something you have learned through self-inquiry and invite others to reflect back what you have shared.
Ask friends and family what new activities or ideas they are finding supportive to live well and share a positive development that has arisen from your practices.
Give voice to your appreciation for the people that you find inspirational and whose work in the world is meaningful to you.
Express appreciation for the particular ways that the person in front of you contributes to your life.
Seeing the heightened potential of how we engage with those we share with over the holidays can make the difference in whether our gatherings leave us feeling satiated or starving.
It may feel awkward at first to dive this deep and intentionally in settings that you have not before, however, you are bound to reap a reward for the risk.
If you have continued reading this far, I offer you the deepest bow of gratitude for the level of mindful attention and intention your are bringing to your life and this world.
I would LOVE your feedback on this offering and any conversations it stimulates. Please email me with any feedback at