The answer to this question provides a key to your personal liberation for we cannot be free aslong as we are harboring a fear of exposure or shame on any level about anything.
Scorpio is the archetype that holds the fear of exposure and secrets for it reflects the sides of human nature that we deny, repress and shame out of fear that if other people knew these things they would judge or think ill of us.
The list of transgressions that keep us tied in knots is highly subjective. So much plays into what we feel ashamed or embarrassed for people to know about our personal struggles, our families, our experiences, the things we have been exposed to in our lives.
The kinds of things we hide might be feelings we are unsettled about having, challenges we are having in areas of our lives, regrets from the past, issues in relationships or errors of judgment.
The truth is it is not necessarily the nature of things we are are afraid for others to know about us or see in us that matters, but the havoc it reaps in our psyches that ultimately is the bigger concern.
The impact of allowing ourselves to be seen in our vulnerabilities and asking for support and help is not nearly as damaging as the way that holding back and obscuring our truth limits authentic expression, self-actualization and the kind of intimate connection we all long to experience.
This New Moon in Scorpio, especially with Jupiter, the planet of magnification and expansion transiting Scorpio, is a auspicious time to find the courage to release whatever fear you have and name the issue that you are holding back from revealing to yourself or those who care for you.
Take a bold and brave step over this New Moon weekend and confide in a trusted friend something you feel embarrassed about or where you feel a bit of shame.
Let them know ahead of time that you are sharing something you are fearful of exposing and that what you desire is to be witnessed and heard.
And, invite them to share something with you that feels heavy in them. Breathe deeply and be present as you share in this moment of honest heart-led connection and vulnerability.