One of the things I love about Astrology is how the archetypes bring a full picture of human needs into perspective and provide a framework to consider the needs that we feel most acutely. It can help us consider how we tend to go about meeting them so we can mature in our understanding and approach.
This is so key to life because the truth is, if we do not attend to our needs we will suffer and so will the people around us.
This Half Moon, the Sun in Scorpio shines on the Moon in Leo, evoking the power and intensity of our need to be felt, seen, and heard.
Many of us are out of touch with our needs and at the same time acting out of them.
So many of us learn early on to minimize our needs to be held in the gaze of another, to have another person deeply care about what we have to say, to know that someone feels us.
For many of us, family dynamics, social structure and cultural messaging send messages that we should defer our needs to attend to others.
The irony is that the denial of our needs in the end does not render us more generous.
Take some time on this Half Moon to brighten your light of awareness around the messages you got about your needs.
Consider how you are tending to your needs to be seen, heard and felt.
Observe the behavior of the people you spend time with through the lens of what needs they are expressing with their behavior, and see what insights you gain into yourself and those you love.