New Moons are time for release and intention setting; times to refine how we are manifesting the attributes and energies associated with the signs involved. Eclipses are times of shift and change that play with perception of light and dark, calling us to new levels of perspective and choice. Solar eclipses magnify the energy of a New Moon in ways that when harnessed intentionally provide powerful catalysts for healing, growth and realization.
When we work intentionally with the energies at play we have an opportunity to utilize them as a part of an approach to life that is responsive rather than reactive.
This New Moon in Leo, which exemplifies raw life force energy, playfulness, joy and creativity expressed through willpower is concurrent with a partial solar eclipse, conjunct with Mercury, aspects Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, and squares Jupiter in Scorpio.
In translation, we are looking at an energetic opportunity to drop in deep to our ability to exercise our free will to bring into awareness and clear material from the subconscious that is inhibiting our ability to experience joy and exercise our creative energy. It is a potent opportunity to rise to the next level of spiritual insight and professional growth.
For anyone who is observing the rhythms of the solar and lunar cycles in intentional ways, this New Moon provides a powerful moment to realize that which holds you back from celebrating who you are and realizing the potential in you to live a life of verve and vitality.
These energies will be exemplified for anyone who has planets in their natal (birth) chart that aspect the positions of the planets in the signs of Leo, Scorpio, Pisces or Capricorn. Those of you with strong conjunctions or aspects to the planetary positions in the New Moon may be experiencing external/internal shifts and changes that bring this questions to the fore. (Knowing the placement of the planets at the time of your birth is part of a natal chart interpretation that can provide deep insight to navigate life mindfully.)
To prepare for this New Moon, begin to observe your thoughts, feelings and actions in the next week with respect to your life force energy and willpower. Consider what you can unload in order to let your creative, playful energy flow.
Where are you holding onto ideas, fears or beliefs that block the flow of joy, playful expression and willpower?
Consider creating a special personal or communal ritual to unburden yourself and redirect or recommit your will to follow the path that the joyful, curious vibrant child within would take.