Our lives can flow with the force of a great river in which individual tributaries merge into the larger body and things that once had a spark of originality and vivacity get watered down. We can find ourselves going with a flow that is not truly serving us or inspiring us in order to keep pace.
It is so easy to be carried along and fail to miss the turnoffs that might lead to the adventure or opportunity that will take us into new territory, where we might encounter a modality that heals an old wound; meet a delightful new friend or love interest; learn something that opens our mind to a new way of seeing; or try an activity that ends up bringing us years of pleasure.
Sometimes it is just the flow and pace of life that keeps us from venturing into those places and spaces that spark our curiosity. Sometimes it is that analyzing mind that finds all the reasons why not to do something and holds on to judgments and critiques that may not even ours!
Now is a prime time to ask yourself what is holding you back. The sun in Gemini, representing the inquisitive mind, is illuminating the moon in Virgo. Gemini is always interested in exploring the next idea or meeting the next interesting opportunity. Virgo is the archetype of the analyzer and carries the energy of the healer.
An analyzing mind wanting to direct us toward what will most contribute to our wellbeing can easily get overwhelmed by the flow of data (some of it really outdated) to take into account. Thus, we just might think ourselves out of following our curiosity.
Now is the time to ask yourself:
Is there a group or community you have been wanting to check out?
Is there a healing modality that you have been wanting to try?
Is there a yoga workshop or class you have wanted to jump into?
Is there a person who you know who radiates with qualities you admire that you have wanted to strike up a conversation with, but have talked yourself out of reaching out?
If you answer, yes!, to any or all of these, take this opportunity to get online and schedule it, book it, sign-up, extend the invitation… open that door.
If you are ready to expand your relationship with curiosity to bring inspiration and opportunity into your life join our Free Self-Mastery Session on June 5th: What Doors are Judgment and Inhibition Holding Closed in your Life?
This is exactly the kind of energy that can bring a deeper awareness and refinement to what might be the next inspiration, practice for teaching to take us into the next phase or stage our healing and mindful evolution.