There is a peaking surge in our collective to think differently about exposing what we have long-suffered to conceal.
Bringing secrets out of the closet and to speak our truth is a tide that has been rising steadily for some time. Like many movements, it began on the periphery.
I can remember the emergence of the first bare all talk shows when I was a child and full of curiosity. I was young and unaware of what a shift this was for individuals to publicly air information about their lives that inspired gasps of surprise, expressions of shock, and attracted eyeballs by the droves.
What I realize now was that so many who were glued to the television were there not so much for the surprise about what was being revealed, but the fact that it was being disclosed publicly.
Most might not have admitted that the “shocking truths” they were witnessing being outed were not so far from the “truths" locked in the closets of their own homes or buried among old relics in their family lineages. Rather than looking within, most of us either sympathized tearfully with the suffering souls or gawked at these “outliers” and enjoyed the show.
As the move to reveal has gone mainstream in ways that have become true movements, many are taking another look. There is great potential within this shift toward exposure to bring massive transformation. However, as a collective, we will not be equipped to hold space for the potential that we are witnessing unless we begin with ourselves.
It is time to get curious about what our role is in shifting the storylines we see by attuning to what is ours to share to break silences around issues that affect us and our communities.
This full moon magnifies the energies behind this wave of exposure. Gemini is the thinker and storyteller; think Lauren Hill, Anne Frank, Kendrick Lamar and Bob Dylan. Sagittarius is the seeker and truth teller; think Tina Turner, Richard Pryor, Jane Fonda and Mark Twain. Geminis ponder and communicate and Sagittarians are known for exposing what needs to be explored.
As these energies reflect off of one other, it is a prime time to explore what your relationship is to this movement.
Take some time this week and feel into the following questions in a spirit of curiosity:
Is there anything in you that you may be hiding that it is time to reveal for your own healing and transformation?
What does revealing, airing or exposing on your own terms mean to you?
What would it mean to expose it in a way that contributes to collective healing and transformation?
What would your mode or style be to share: a piece of visual art; a poem; a quiet conversation with a loved one; a song; a dance?
If you are curious about exploring this further, please join me on Friday to move through it in our JourneyDance of Curiosity and Communication or jump into our Self-Mastery Session on the 5th.