As we are exploring curiosity and making the connection to creativity in this Sun Cycle, it is important to consider the idea of “license” as it is what we exercise to follow our curiosities and create ours on our own terms.
Every archetype holds energies, attributes and characteristics that can express in positive/creative and negative/destructive ways.
The curiosity and creativity associated with Gemini are neither bad nor good.
It is our relationship to them and the way we exercise them that determines whether they support wellbeing or suffering in our lives.
The idea of a license holds this so well. As you read through the definitions of license the spectrum emerges:
Formal or official permission to do something
Writer or artists freedom to deviate from facts and conventions
Authority to behave as one wishes, especially in a way that results in excessive unacceptable behavior
A reason or an excuse to do something wrong or excessive
There is so much to be gained from giving ourselves a license as the creatrixs and creators of our own lives. At the same time, there is a risk that we might abuse our authority.
The key is to acknowledge that with authority comes responsibility, which is why I orient toward this definition offered in the Thesaurus:
“You have license to make changes; permission”
If you have not accepted creative license with respect to your own life, now is the time.
If you have and have been exercising your authority in ways that have lead to abuses of yourself and others. Now, is also the time.
Now is the time to give yourself permission to make change. To take your creative license with respect to your life and exercise it with courage, curiosity and mindfulness.
Take some time to go into the quiet reflection that New Moon energy offers. Light a candle and get curious about your relationship with the creative license in your life.
If you acknowledge that you have not really taken ownership of your creative license in any area of your life, explore what it would mean to do so. What conventions might you challenge? What might you give yourself permission to explore or alter in order to exercise freedom to create a life that more fully reflects your wellbeing and intentions?
If you acknowledge that perhaps you have taken it a bit too far in exercising your right to ignore the facts and break the rules and it has lead to suffering you are ready to address, ask yourself what it would mean to take responsibility and begin to reign yourself back within the realm of what is contributive to your wellbeing and intentions.
Chances are either way this exploration leads, there may be a conversation that needs to be had in order to make the changes that feel necessary. Join me on June 24th for a Free Self-Mastery Session on Conscious Communication: Nourish your Relationships, Expand Time and Free-Up Energy to Have more Fun This Summer!