In those moments when you feel the most in touch with who you truly are, what do you dream of healing, learning, discovering, creating, realizing, bringing into form and sharing with the world?
This full moon abounds with watery Piscean energy, which in its highest expression is the dreamer that is devoted to transcending those things that keep us from realizing our own soul’s expression.
Look upon that bright full moon reflecting dreaming idealized light as an invitation to explore the broader relevance of your dreams and consider the ideals that urge you from within in order to gain insight into what you are here to presence and cultivate.
On the other side of the sky, the moon in earthy, orderly, Virgo, representing the archetype of the analyzer with a keen attention to detail, emphasis on order and refinement, reflects this light. Virgo’s analytical, ordered orientation can serve our dreams or give rise to perfectionism, which may deter us away from venturing into the unknown that moving toward our dreams requires.
The nature of oppositions in astrology directs us to see the potential of reconciling aspects of ourselves that may seem in conflict as a means to realizing the creative potential in the mindful blending of seemingly opposite attributes and characteristics.
The oppositions in this full moon is like an invitation to illuminate your ideals AND get real about how you can direct the power of your mind to support your dreams rather than analyze yourself into a pattern of procrastination.
Accept this invitation by setting aside some space and time to free write on the following questions.
Prepare yourself mindfully. Take at least 5 minutes to breathe and move. Inhale as you arch your spine, exhale as you curl your spine, roll out your head and neck, move your body in a nonlinear way. Close your eyes for a few minutes and set an intention to allow yourself you write freely without self-censoring.
What stops you, restricts you, holds you back from reeling your soulful dreams out of the clouds and giving them an honored place in the landscape of your life?
Can you identify an outer critic that you have internalized and authorized to keep you from truly listening to what your dreams are trying to tell you?
Does fear of judgment inhibit you from mindfully engaging your dreams and considering how to direct energy and resources toward realizing them?
What do your dreams tell you about what you value and what you are longing for? Try thinking symbolically (as the psyche speaks in symbols) to consider the themes in your dreams and what they are pointing you toward.
What are your dreams telling you about the ideals that you hold most dear and what moving towards them would mean for you?
I truly believe that our dreams point us toward our soul's purpose in this life and that the judgments that steer us away from them are our greatest teachers, which is why I am offering a free Self-Mastery Session on transcending judgment this Sunday, Join Us Here.