We are entering into a month that celebrates Eros. Whether you are currently committed or not, chances are you will be pondering the state of erotic love in your life as St. Valentine’s Day approaches.
This Full Super (super close to the Earth) Blue (2 full moons in 1 month) Wolf (January moon named so by natives for the howling winds that accompany her fullness) Moon is a fiery one. The overall energy in the cosmos is one of intense, dramatic, playful erotic exploration, expression and liberation.
The Aquarian (the sun illuminates the moon from Aquarius) in me says, don’t we realize that making human sexual/sensual nature sacrilegious and taboo has led to perversion? That repression has led to distortion and it is time to reclaim the wholesome, natural sanctity of human sexuality and sensual pleasure.
In our current paradigm, sexual prowess, desire, and desirability have taken on a perverted twist that is evident in its relationship to power, secrets, objectification, exploitation, shaming and silencing.
We see this dominant narrative reflected in movies, TV, music, and the headlines. We see it in sexual abuse, assault, misogyny and discrimination against people for whom they chose to love and partner with.
Tonight the Moon is in Leo, the archetype of the Sovereign, exemplifying utter authentic empowered autonomy and the right to take pleasure and joy in all things.
This archetype embodies intense, passionate, loyal love that relishes the reflection of oneself looking back through the eyes of the beloved.
The combination of these energies is the veritable antidote to the poison that flushes through the veins of our culture with respect to human sexuality.
I believe a great healing will come when each of us does the work to reclaim the inherent sanctity of human sexuality.
This Super Blue Wolf Moon is prime time to liberate yourself from the beliefs, cultural tenets or religious dogma that distort your relationship with what is your birthright. Take back your sexual sovereignty and reframe your sexual nature as a natural, wholesome aspect of your being alive.
Set aside some time on this moon to reflect on how the dominant paradigm of distortion lives in you. Set an intention to reclaim full sovereign over your own expression as a sexual being; whatever that looks like feels like, moves like for you as natural and wholesome.
What were the messages I received about sex from my parents, peers, religion and mainstream culture growing up that forms the paradigm I live within/among?
How do these ideas, beliefs, tenets inform the way I see myself and others with respect to sexual sovereignty and expression?
Do I feel this paradigm is an accurate reflection of what human sexual nature is and how it should be expressed?
How do I contribute to this paradigm?
What belief is it time to release in order to experience my sexual desire and expression with a sense of pure joy and innocence?
I believe the fullest expression of sexual freedom is soulful union, which is characterized by a giving and receiving of love that cherishes and holds the wellbeing and fulfillment of the beloved paramount.
I am passionate about supporting the realization of love, which is why I am offering a free Self-Mastery Session to consider the difference between an ego-based relationship and soul-centered relationship.