Does this I statement fit?
I am empowered, energetic, take initiative, use my power wisely and express authentically.
If not, why?
When working with archetypes for growth, which is what we’re doing in the Celestial Cycles series, it is key to remember that characteristics of an archetype are in and of themselves neutral.
Whether we express them positively/creatively or negative/destructively is up to us.
With the new Moon in Aries, our focus is on how we are using our energy, initiative, power and personal expression with respect to the fundamental Aries inquiry of: Who am I (becoming)?
When we feel resistance to expressing authentically, lack energy, fear taking initiative or feel disempowered, it is time to reflect and take clear action.
Likewise, when we see ourselves always on the move and driving ourselves, feel overstimulated (or over using stimulants like caffeine and sugar), start things and not finish, use our power in ways that are manipulative, it is time to take pause and consider what would bring balance.
Aries is emblematic of empowerment.
When we are truly empowered:
We tend to our physical, emotional and mental energy with care.
We take clear action in the direction of our aims and follow through to reach our goals.
We are confident in our abilities and take responsibility for our needs, feelings and desires.
We use our personal power mindfully, balancing our right to express authentically and pursue our aims with others right to theirs.
Take some time on this new moon day to get clear on one of these aspects, that of the Aries Archetype, that you would like incorporate to who you are (becoming) and plant a seed within you to cultivate it in the coming months. Continue throughout the week to notice situations where it most applies.
Then, jump on our Empowerment Webinar on April 22nd. We will explore empowerment as a mindset, gain clarity on our relationship to empowerment, and consider why it is important to cultivate empowerment in our lives.