Pisces represents the archetypal bridge between the worlds; between the internal world in the external world; the world of matter and the world of energy; the world of literal intelligence and the world of intuitive knowing. This is the bridge that leads to creative solutions and authentic expression.
There can be no better time of the year than this Pisces New Moon to really drop into what it means for you to cultivate an inner bridge between these essential aspects of your nature to chart your course from a place of embodied wisdom in this life.
This is another example of how the AND orientation applies. Our world tends to put an OR in between knowledge vs. intuition; logical/rational vs feelings/emotions.
From the perspective of Evolving Mindfully, we reject nothing and make wise use of everything.
We put an AND where we see ORs and build our inner bridge so that our decisions draw upon all forms of knowing to orient toward our highest good the best possible outcome for all in any given moment.
We understand that our mind’s clear perception of the knowledge/intelligence we gather combined with space holding for what we do not know that creates openness to original intuitive insight to arise, brings us into flow.
In our flow, we know what is right for us in any moment: what to eat; what to leave on the table; when to act and when to pause; when to stay and when to go; when to stand our ground and when to headway; when to activate and when to rest; when to give and when to receive...
We acknowledge that there are so many intervening factors that compel us against our better judgment and discourage us from holding this space open. There are so many voices that it can be challenging to listen deeply and create space for our bodies to synthesize the logical/rational perspective with our feeling/intuitive perceptions.
As I prepare for this Pisces New Moon Circle and Our Self-Mastery Session Why do we Check-Out when we should be Checking-In?, I am full of gratitude to support those of you desirous to bridge these aspects of yourselves.
If you have not registered to join us tomorrow, it is not too late!