Freedom and responsibility may seem incompatible like there should be an or in between them rather than an and. One might resist taking on responsibility for fear that it will inhibit their freedom. Yet, as with most deep truths, there is an inherent paradox in the relationship between the level of responsibility we take for our own needs, energy and resourcefulness and how much freedom we can exercise in any area of life.
Freedom and responsibility are keywords when considering the archetype of Aquarius. Throughout this week, as we celebrate erotic love, this New moon offers an opportunity to consider whether we are taking responsibility to take pleasure in our romantic relationships and create space for the kind of freedom in connection and expression that are the greatest benefits of being in a relationship.
One of the great killers of erotic love is neglect; and in the hustle of modern life, especially modern family life, the responsibility to tend to our intimate connections can all too easily get pushed to the side, especially if there may be intervening issues in the relationship dynamic that feels burdensome to take on.
I invite you, on this New Moon, to reflect on your current attitude toward your responsibility to the pleasure principle in your relationship. Consider the following questions and invite a commitment to emerge to create the context for joy, pleasure and to express more freely in your relationship.
Do you take responsibility for the quality of the dynamic between you and your partner or do you leave it to them?
Do you shy away from taking responsibility for how erotic love expresses in your relationship, if so, why?
What would support you in nurturing your sense of freedom to express your love in ways that you may feel inhibited about?
Is there an issue within you or your relationship that you need to address in order to reconnect fully and freely with your partner or yourself?
How much energy and resourcefulness are you directing toward any issues that you know are inhibiting your freedom to take pleasure in the erotic aspects of your relationship?