Softening into areas of intensity is a tall order, but it is what this Full Moon in Taurus beckons us to do. We all have those places in our lives where the inner gauge can go from 0 to 60 with reactivity or 60 to 0 into shutdown, in seconds.
Often it is when we are feeling the most hopeful, feeling we have reached a deeper level of openness, opportunity, connection and sense of growth, when suddenly we are gripped by insecurity, vulnerability and/or fear.
As we allow ourselves to wholeheartedly imagine what is next for us in our career, take steps to heal an aspect of past that is affecting us today, edge into a more expansive or authentic expression of ourselves, or try a new strategy to meet the challenges of parenting, we are vulnerable.
We can be particularly sensitive to a question that touches in on where we are stretching ourselves or when circumstances arise that bring us back into a sense of frustration, fear or doubt. What we do in those moments is what makes all the difference.
It is in these moments that we are most likely to engage in behavior that was modeled to us or we developed as a coping strategy when we had less awareness and skills. We may have little conscious awareness of where/how we developed these ways of responding and often find ourselves feeling regretful or remorseful for not having chosen differently.
Mindfulness is a key to being able to soften into intensity in order self-regulate, release, and recalibrate. It is in the softening that we can to find the spaciousness to respond rather than react. To hold the ground we have gained.
Intensity is simply a form of energy in the end. Moments of intensity are always potential to choose to direct that intensity intentionally. In celebration of this Full Moon and the light of awareness that softening brings, I offer this 10 minute mindfulness practice for softening into intensity.
It can be used in a moment of intensity, where it will be the most potent, if you can soften out of the situation to find a quiet space to take 10. It can also be used in a neutral moment in a reflective way, and is powerful in helping build skills you can apply in moments of intensity.
If you want to dive deeper into navigating the fear and doubt. There is still time to register for my
Free Online Self-Mastery Session: Navigate Fear to Exercise Opportunity and Realize Your Potential. Friday, November 3rd, 12:00- 1:15 ET