Most of us have been trained out of using our most powerful tool for propelling us forward into new horizons: our imaginations. The education system that most of us experienced growing up rewards memorization and application of established means of solving problems and conventional ways thinking.
Yet, it is our imaginations that lead us into the direction of our soul’s callings, that inspire us as individuals, and societies to pursue expressions of beauty.
Our imagination provides sparks of hope that fuel our ability to see our way through and out of the muck and mire (emotional and experiential history) of the unconscious mind that we are venturing into in this Celestial Cycle; so we can truly move in the direction of our growth and actualize our aspirations.
Our ability to imagine that life can be different than it is today and that we can be the versions of ourselves that we sense possible, propels us out of situations that stifle us and patterns that have us stuck in the past.
On this Half Moon in Aquarius, the archetype of the Visionary thinking and rebel (with a cause), allow yourself to inquire within to check the health of this potent and essential aspect of yourself.
Take some time over this weekend to give expression; allowing yourself to voice those inner imaginings that have been pushed aside.
1. Get out in nature. Allow yourself to simply observe the motion of the change of season and the play of nature.
2. After some time just being and observing, pull out a journal or use your phone to record yourself. Without editing, answer the following questions or complete the following thoughts:
As a child my relationships with my imagination was…
As I grew up the messages I received about being imaginative and investing in different ways of seeing the world and myself were…
The messages I got about exploring different ways of thinking about the issues I faced were…
I use my imagination today when…
The most satisfying vision of myself that sparks in my imagination when I am feeling most hopeful is…
My inner response to this vision of myself is…
I allow myself to invest in this vision by…
A few actions I could take to nourish this vision are…
Thank yourself for taking this time and make a plan to do one thing you like to do that would free and feed your imagination before the Full Moon (one week from today).
Fear is one of the biggest obstacles we have in pursuing the potential of our imaginations and what that might lead us forward in life. Fear is also one of the emotions that causes authorities to discourage the development of imaginative thinking. Learning how fear functions in us is key to freeing our imaginations, which is one of the reasons I am offering a Free Evolving Mindfully Self-Mastery Session, on Friday November 3rd, to explore tools and strategies to learn to Navigate Fear to Exercise Opportunity and Realize Your Potential.