In this Celestial Cycle we take our cues from from the Sun’s transit through Scorpio, which embodies the archetype of the Invisible or Unconscious. This archetype embodies emotional intensity, power, sexual desire and death; with the emphasis on reconciling fears, doubts, and shadow aspects of ourselves for integration and transformation.
Scorpio often gets a bad rap in the mainstream because it is associated with the sides of human nature and experience that our culture deems undesirable, scary, or in need of sanction. This is precisely why it is so important that we take more than a superficial look at the symbolism of this season and this archetype that calls us to scratch the surface and uncover what resides in the depths of our psyches.
In it’s fascination with the hidden places, Scorpio provides one of the most potent opportunities for integration, reclamation and coming into wholeness with all sides of ourselves.
In this Celestial Cycle we will engage in self-inquiries to consider how we can face our fears, desires, and doubts to integrate aspects of ourselves that we repress, deny, and resist.
You can engage in this process by following along on FB or Instagram or, if you are really ready to dive in, sign up for the Celestial Cycle email list to participate fully and receive all inquiries and exercises in your inbox on the Half Moon, Full Moon and New Moon.