Exercising our birthright of freedom on the spiritual and material planes is the pinnacle expression of gratitude for this miraculous mystery of incarnation.
This is why we get rushes of inspiration and adrenaline when we see movies and listen to music that capture the essence of an individual, family or group overcoming adversity, realizing their gifts, creating something stunning and realizing their dreams.
Knowing and believing are essentials to realizing the freedom that is ours to embody and express.
Knowing what is of use to cultivate in our lives and what it is time to release is one of the skills we must master to experience freedom and realize our aims.
Each of us carries habits of thinking, feeling and behaving that are holdovers from our family lineage, internalized messages of fear and scarcity, coping strategies we developed, that no longer serve.
What we release supports freedom from… greed, suffering, pain, jealousy, anger, frustration, regret, remorse. Freedom from generates energy and allows us to channel powerful resources once tied up in depleting patterns into generative activities.
Mastering the exercise of knowing (admitting, owning, taking responsibility for) and transforming what inhibits and limits are the keys to freedom from.
Freedom to is something different. This is where belief takes center stage, for we will never experience what we do not believe we have the right, skill or worthiness to embody, do or attain.
Identifying the beliefs that govern our thoughts, words and behavior allows us to address those that are limited in nature.
Creating a system of belief that affirms our freedom to expand the horizon of what is possible and enables us to move beyond previous boundaries.
Join me in my posts, events, and Self-Mastery sessions this Celestial Cycle to rework our knowing and believing to support our intentions and aspirations.