Purposeful, self-motivated, directional dedication in service of love. This is the essence of this new moon in Capricorn.
There is such a concentration of energy in this new moon in Capricorn, which reflects the part of us that is striving for excellence, that wants to fulfill our duty and live on purpose.
It is as if the universe is screaming out to us to align what we love, our force of personality, our willpower, mind and sense of duty to serve a clear purpose.
At its most honorable, the Capricorn energy pursues excellence in service to the highest good of all. At it’s more egoic, it leads us toward the realization of ambition, without much regard for, the cost to other people, the planet or future generations.
As we reflect upon the message and dream of MLK, it is the perfect time for all of us to ask how we can get our acts together and serve one another.
Carve out a bit of time today to take a pause, reflect, refine and align.
Here are a few questions that I am reflecting upon today and invite you to consider too:
What are the top three reasons that I am doing what I am doing?
Who, what and how do my intentions for 2018 serve?
How important is it to me that I make a contribution to others?
How can my work more actively express love and concern for all?
Consider the answers to these questions in light of the resolution or intention you have set and modify your intention to incorporate the perspective you gain.