Appreciation, Acknowledgment and Reciprocation are keys to successful collaboration.
We do none of this alone. While it may feel easier at times to work in solitude and plug away under our own control and command (very Capricorn of me to say;), the reality is our lives are a collaborative effort, which any Libra can tell you.
Whether we explicitly define them as such, we are all operating in implicit partnerships in all areas of our lives. Bringing mindfulness to the ways that others contribute to our lives supports greater harmony in our lives.
If you have taken time to reflect and articulate resolutions/intentions for this year, chances are you have aims that will require the support of key people in your life.
As the sun in Capricorn illuminates the moon in Libra, which holds our pursuit of balance and harmony in relationships and group interactions, it is a great opportunity to assess your approach to the individuals that form your support network.
Set aside some time this week to invest in these key relationships by appreciating and acknowledging the contributions of the key collaborators in your life.
Make a list of the key individuals whose support is essential to you in family, community and professional realms.
Write down three key attributes you rely upon and appreciate in these individuals.
Make a call or write a note to articulate to them the attributes that you appreciate in them and the ways you depend on them.
If you have not already, share with them the intentions you have set for this year and thank them in advance for the way their presence in your life supports you in realizing your aims.
Express your desire to reciprocate and ask if there is any way you can be a better support for them.
To support you in entering a new year with a new or deepened understanding of the Elemental way of thinking, I am offering a free Self-Mastery Session on Sunday, January 14th.