Self-authorization, self-assurance, and self-actualization backed by honest, assertive, initiating, courageous, confident energy, can arise out of a sense of self-righteousness OR be born of personal responsibility.
These qualities and energies are associated with the element of fire as embodied in the archetype of Aries, the warrior(ess) of the zodiac, that embodies courageous action capable of breaking old patterns and holding the strength that new growth requires.
It is easy and absolving of personal responsibility to think that it is the circumstances outside of us that are acting upon us and are responsible for what we are experiencing. Our parents, partners, teachers, colleagues, bosses, spouses, lovers, children, the institutions…. these are the things causing the problems in our lives.
While it may be more comfortable to keep the focus turned on the other, it is far less effective at impacting the quality of our own experience. The primary foundation of taking responsibility for the quality of our own experience is taking responsibility for our inner game.
With the Half Moon in Aries, illuminated by the Sun in Capricorn, it is prime time to reflect on how clearly we are owning and directing our energy and to what end. Take time with these inquiries to earnestly explore whether and how you identify with these qualities, energies, and underlying impulses.
Where in your life might you be engaging from a place of self-righteousness? This can be hard to admit to, but most of us do it and would benefit from shifting our focus. Taking responsibility and directing our words and actions with curiosity rather than conviction can change a situation that has been stagnant and entrenched for years!
Where in life are you avoiding taking personal responsibility and owning your ability to self-authorize and take action?
Consider which of these qualities you have a reaction to when you see them in others.
Which qualities cause you to regard them with envy? Why?
Which qualities do you admire? Why?
The sword of the warrior(ess) reflects the ability to exercise discernment to cut through illusion, to make clear and accurate assessments of ourselves and others, in order to direct our energy skillfully.
Thinking Elementally is all about understanding that the characteristics, attributes, and energies that we see in ourselves and others, in and of themselves, are neither positive or negative. It is the orientation that makes all the difference.
Join me on the 30th for an exploration of elemental thinking in during my Free Self-Mastery Session.