This Full Moon in storytelling Gemini, illuminated by the Sun in truth seeking and speaking Sagittarius, is a prime time to inquire into how you are using the power of speech.
Paying attention, for a period of time, to the conversations you are having can provide deep insight into what you are manifesting in your experience; because words have immense power and what you speak is directly related to what you are creating.
The holiday season, as it wraps up the year and orients us toward a new beginning, is a great time to pay attention to what you are saying, where you speak from, the topics you are engaging, and the questions you are asking.
Take a moment on this Full Moon to consider the conversations you were having in the last week and reflect a bit in writing on the following questions:
Note what you find objective and consider any patterns and themes.
Do you tend to speak from your head or your heart?
Do you walk away from interactions feeling satiated or empty?
Are you retelling a certain story or experience frequently?
What questions do you lead with; do they lead to a depth of conversation your find satisfying?
Use your observations to set a few intentions that you can focus on when you are engaging with others in the last weeks of the year.