Wherein lies your source of affirmation
Therein resides your center of power
These words came to me on a walk in the woods a few weeks back. I have been holding them in relationship to the process I am undergoing of integrating decades of experience seeking healing and growth; inquiring into how we interact with ourselves, our culture, and each other to arrive at who/how we are in the world at any moment and where that meets who/how we desire to be in the world; gathering practices and building skills to support myself in realizing a deeply sustained experience of wholeheartedness, wellbeing and living from deep trust and intuition.
I wonder in awe and gratitude at the rich treasure trove I have cultivated within. Yet, even though I know what I offer is profoundly empowering guidance and personalized practices, I see myself succumbing to moments of disempowerment as I put myself out there officially in this capacity.
Why? Because I am trained to look outside for validation and affirmation. I have internalized the cultural messaging that my own inner knowing is not enough, that I need the approval of others to make me feel worthy, to value my offerings and to validate my path.
So, with the truth of those two little lines resonating in my heart, I stand with the trees, birds and squirrels as my witness saying,
“This stops here.”
I stand with my feet firmly planted in the earth and vow to apply devotion, discipline and commitment to reclaim my source of validation with the arrival of every compliment and criticism. I place one hand on my heart and one on my belly and I acknowledge the that only true source of empowerment lies within each of us.
I breathe deep, knowing that my breath is my greatest tool in commanding my personal power in any moment to find conscious awareness, discern and take the next right action in alignment with my intention to manifest my gifts to be of service to others in their journey of healing, growth, personal evolution and manifestation of their unique gifts.
I am devoted to this because I look and feel around me as I walk the streets of the “land of the free” and I see people locked inside doubting, fearful and suffering. I am disciplined in my own processing, transparency and daily practices because I know that is what it takes to be free and offer guidance to others. I am committed because I know the world needs each of us to heal, grow and manifest our unique gifts. I offer myself of service because I desire for all of us to be free.
Free to choose in each moment the thoughts, words and actions that are in alignment with our intentions.
Free to express our authenticity fully, openly and joyfully.
Free to connect with others wholeheartedly.
Free to pursue our highest and best good in whatever form that takes no matter what others might say.
I believe freedom is mine to express and I support your freedom expressing through you!
Practice: Sourcing Affirmation Self-Inquiry
Tracking your thinking to identify the messages you tell yourself, where they originate, how they limit you; then, shifting the sources and curating the content are key practices in reclaiming your source of affirmation.