Letting go under the Waning Half Moon in Pisces.
We consider the blending of the Moon in Pisces with the Sun in Gemini. Pisces represents the mystical consciousness. One who empties their mind to be filled by what is beyond the capacity of our limited minds to think through; who attunes to intuition; who pays attention to the messages of the unconscious that imbue the dream state.
For the intention we set out on the Full Moon, we combine this energy with the aspects of Gemini, as archetype of communication and creative expression, which we are contemplating this moon cycle.
When the energetic, curious, creative and idea connecting mind can drop into a state of meditative clarity and mindful concentration; then, insight, creative inspiration and wisdom can emerge.
The waning Half Moon is the point in the lunar cycle when we complete our release.
Having engaged in self-inquiry and reflection, to identify those thoughts, patterns, fears, inhibitions that limit our capacity to communicate clearly from the truth of our hearts and the wisdom of the soul perspective; we use the next days leading to the dark of the moon to reaffirm our release and literally feel the weight of this layer of limitation loosen and fall away.
Circle back to the questions posed on the Full Moon for deeper inquiry and to reaffirm what it is you are releasing.
Then, take a few moments each night as the moon continues to wane to find the moon in the sky and observe the waning quality.
If your circumstances do not allow you to actually see the moon, use one of the most powerful tools of transformation and manifestation you have, your imagination, to see it in your mind's eye and attune to it in your body.
Inhale deeply, allowing the breath to collect the feeling tones connected to the thoughts, feelings and patterns you are releasing and with the exhale feel your body soften and relax into the letting go.