This Celestial Cycle comes full circle with this New Moon in Virgo as we bring our exploration with the Inner Healer forward to a deeper level of commitment. Now is the time to come fully into conscious willingness to release feelings in order to shift thought and behavior patterns.
Virgo represents practicality, order, and responsibility. In this Celestial Cycle series, we have looked at the way we can take an active role in our own healing by considering our relationship to indulgence and self-denial, avoidance/escapism, and the power of our stories.
If you have worked with one or more of the self-inquiry processes in this Celestial Cycle, it is a great time to circle back to take it to the next level and create a ritual of release at the dark of the moon. If you have not had a chance to, take a moment and see if one of the three inquiries this cycle would serve you in releasing.
As the sun wanes, it is time to take these reflections to the depth of understanding and bring forward what needs to be released in order to heal. It is also time to make a personal commitment to continue to develop your relationship with the Inner Healer.
As the Sun and Moon both transition from Virgo (representing the Inner Healer) to Libra (representing the Advocate, who seeks balance and equilibrium in the system), it is an auspicious time to call yourself to a deeper level of balance and equilibrium.
What would it mean for you to make a deeper commitment to become a true advocate for your own health and wellbeing?
What is one area of your life that you are longing for more balance?
What would it look like to bring balance to this area of your life?
What would it feel like to bring balance to this area of your life?
What conversation needs to happen to support balance in these areas of your life?
What actions can you take to support these areas of your life?
Personalize this Ritual of Release and Call to Balance:
Set aside personal time in the next few days (at the dark of the moon on Tuesday if possible).
Have with you: any notes you have taken in this Celestial Cycle process; a pen and loose piece of paper; candle, matches/lighter and a bowl that can withstand a little heat; incorporating anything of symbolic meaning to you on this journey.
Light the candle and focus on the flame as you breathe deeply. As you inhale, call yourself to full presence, with each exhale feel yourself arrive in full presence.
Distill your reflections to extract what is at the heart of the matter, write down the patterns that you wish to release, being specific about the ways of thinking or seeing yourself/others/world that you wish to shift.
Speak out loud each pattern, thought, or idea (you are taking a vow to yourself), stating, “I release…..”
Light a corner of the page and drop it in the bowl where you can watch it burn.
Take a second piece of paper and distill the commitment you are making in order to become a better advocate for yourself.
Speak out loud the area of your life you are calling into balance in this Moon Cycle, name the feeling you seek and the actions you will take to support this new state of equilibrium.
Burn the paper with this on it and feel into the beginning of this process unfolding within you.
Close the ritual in a way that is meaningful to you and thank yourself for taking this time to engage in your own personal evolution.
Please join us in exploring practices of mindful evolution by participating in one of our upcoming events:
Join us for a special Self-Mastery Session on Thursday, September 28th as we explore how comparison impacts our ability to self-authorize and exercise sovereignty in our lives.