This Half Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, which embodies the archetype of the leader that is purpose driven and oriented toward getting things done.
With all we are juggling on a daily basis, it can be easy to get tunnel vision. For some of us we can lose sight of how the way we are approaching the “work”of our lives impacts the quality of the relationships with the people in our lives.
Whether it is colleagues in a professional setting, peers in a community organization, your partner and/or children in caring for your home; the way that we carry out our daily round sets a tone that sends a message and affects our relationships.
We may know this, and yet, it can be easy to lose sight of it, or feel like we do not have the time or tools to deal with it in the moment.
We may not always notice how this is building up. Sometimes this feels more like a dull toothache than a sharp pain, making it is easier to ignore and keep on truckin’ until…
Taking a step back to consider how we are engaging and what we might shift, is a pause worth taking.
Set aside a half hour for this 17 minute meditation practice that I have created to support mindful engagement in the way we work in the world to support the quality of relationships we desire.
Really give yourself this time in a thoughtful way. It only takes a little devotion to carve out a mindful moment to engage in ways that can truly shift your energy, your thinking, and the dynamics in your life.
If you want to dive deeper, consider joining our Self-Mastery Session tomorrow at noon.