At the end of the day when the Sun goes down it all comes back to
You and You
Me and me
We are so addicted to focusing on the other
that it is easy to lose track of this fact.
Why do we spend so much of our time:
Running from ourselves?
Externalizing our lives?
Diving into the drama of others?
Looking with conviction beyond the plank in our own eye to examine the speck in another’s?
All the while, we are (I believe) seeking ourselves.
I am as prone to all of these tactics of avoidance and projection as the next person.
Still, I advocate that we actively seek clear reflection.
That we bring our inquiries Home
To our own Hearts
Clearing out the judgements, prejudices, fears, insecurities, doubts that keep us from knowing the unconditional love that is the foundation of all that we search for in our seeking
Inquiring inwardly to find the love that guides us away from that which does damage
to our minds, bodies and pscyches.
Honing the love that ushers us toward that which heals, honors, extends generously and knows the unity of all things.
From here we can truly meet the eyes in the reflection and see
our grandmother, mother, grandfather, father, sister, brother, partner, child, friend
and foe
looking back at us and know.
This Dark Moon in Libra is the perfect time to make a date with the Self to withdraw from the externalizing and go within, carrying an olive branch to make peace with the aspects of yourself that you do not want to see.
Those parts that in your desire to avoid you externalize a journey that can only be taken within.
Offer love to those parts of you that have been neglected, rejected, overlooked or ignored.
Take that time to be with yourself and say what you need to hear.
Open the door to all aspects of you and call them Home.