Tonight’s New Moon is in the constellation of Leo, as the Sun enters it’s annual journey through the constellation. Leo, symbolized by the Lion, is associated with the archetype of The Sovereign. It is the unbridled soul reigning with full authority over themselves, living in synchronicity with their environment and following their own intuitive knowing.
Archetypes are neither positive/constructive nor negative/destructive in and of themselves. Key attributes associated with Leo are energetic, bright, willful, spontaneous, instinctual, intuitive, charismatic, dramatic, expressive, affectionate, inspirational and playful. All of these characteristics can be used to generate positive outcomes that contribute to our wellbeing or those that undermine it.
While the characteristics associated with Leo are expressed more readily and abundantly in some, they are attributes that all of us can cultivate to our benefit.
This Sun Cycle, we will explore our relationship to our own sovereignty, intuitive guidance, and self-expression. We will consider how we relate to the key attributes of Leo. We will engage in inquiry and practices to engage in our natural environment more keenly through our senses. As we do this, we scan the bigger picture, recognizing opportunities and vulnerabilities in the landscape, from a position of power and strength.
Upon this New Moon we begin this journey with self-inquiry and orient with intention.
If you are able to join our New Moon Circle, we would love to initiate this journey together.
If not, set aside an hour on this New Moon day/night to be out in nature, taking a journal and writing implement.
1. Find a place where you can sit on the ground and be in contact with the earth.
2. Take time to settle into the landscape.
3. Take long, deep breaths and one by one tune into your different senses. Take several minutes with each sense. Smell what you smell. Feel what you feel. Taste what you taste. See what you see. Hear what you hear. Allow yourself a direct experience of where you are right in that moment, as much as possible.
4. Sit in quiet observation of the landscape, experiencing yourself as a part of it.
5. Take out your journal and free write on the following prompts:
What does sovereignty mean to me?
Do I feel I exercise sovereignty in my own internal affairs?
Do I hold authority over my own choices?
How do I exercise my will?
6. When you feel complete. Tune into the environment again through each sense.
7. Turn to the questions again, and add anything that arises to what you wrote.
8. Tune into your body and feel what you feel in relationship to your sense of authority over yourself.
8. Consider what you have written and set an intention that reflects your willingness to invest in this process of exploration over this Sun Cycle.
9. Feel into your body and ask what you desire to feel in relationship to your sense of authority over yourself at the end of this Sun Cycle.
10. Offer a blessing to yourself and the earth for this time in reflection to shift your attention to your own evolution.
To stay engaged in this Evolving Mindfully Process tune into our posts through FB, Instagram and our Celestial Cycles blog.