Do you experience the level of joy, vibrancy and play that you desire in your life?
Lately I have noted many people expressing a longing for carefree, fun, and easeful engagement with the people in their lives; but they feel something limits them from experiencing the easygoing play they desire.
People have commonly expressed something I was also troubled by and decided to mindfully address several years ago. Many acknowledge, with sense of disappointment, that it is only with the help of alcohol that they can relax and be playful.
Once I decided to address the fact that I was using alcohol to override feelings that, in reality ,I needed to learn to navigate and process consciously, I learned to access play and carefree interaction authentically. I also learned that cultivating this kind of clarity supported my connection to my intuition.
As the moon in Scorpio waxes to half full reflecting the sun in Leo, it is an opportune time consider our relationship with playful self-expression and the deeper feelings that inhibit us.
Leo, in it's soulful expression, presences joy, play, vibrant expression, and charismatic engagement with life that is authentic and free. Scorpio, soulfully engaged, turns within to what is under the surface; which are often those feelings we tend to try and numb.
Self-inquiry based on these archetypes allows us to consider: if, when, and how we experience/express the qualities associated with each to support conscious engagement with ourselves.
Cultivating self-awareness regarding how inner and outer factors influence our thoughts, feelings and choices is key to cultivating authentic easeful engagement with life. This is an opportune time to look within and inquire whether your experience is reflective of your deeper feelings, needs and desires.
Take some time over the next few days to mindfully create space to be with yourself as a loving friend. Sit down with a journal and pen with the intention to answer these questions openly; to learn about yourself in a spirit of support as you would with someone dear to you.
Do I experience play and joy spontaneously?
If not, what inhibits me?
Do I mask my feelings in a way that keeps me from addressing my deeper needs and desires?
If so, why?
What would it feel like to engage playfully with myself and the people in my life?
What would it mean to me to use my will to create circumstances that bring me joy?
Keep your responses in mind as you move through life in the coming weeks to support self-awareness. As you move through different contexts, consider what conditions would allow you to feel clear and safe, to be more playful, spontaneous and joyful.
The point of the exercises I offer in these Celestial Cycles, and all the work I do with individuals, is to foster compassionate self-awareness; because I experience it as key to healing, shifting patterns and manifesting our aspirations.
If you are interested in going deeper, please consider an Astral Insight session or work with me in a deep process of self-discovery, pattern breaking, and personal evolution….