This Full Moon, the Sun in Leo illuminates the Moon in Aquarius. Leo embodies self-sovereignty: one who expresses in full authenticity and authority. Generosity, an optimistic outlook, magnetism, willpower, fortitude, enthusiasm, affection are attributes exalted in this Sun Cycle.
Aquarius is associated with the archetype of the Visionary: one who is free-spirited, inventive, and spontaneous; embodying the impetus to seek the truth beyond our limited perspectives. It is this energy that questions conventional thinking, seeking deeper understanding of expanded ways of being, and drives us out of patterns of the past toward a personally transformed future.
Aquarian attributes are essential to realizing our sovereignty for authentic self-expression in a society where pressure to conform to conventions of all forms carry heavy cultural and social weight. Allowing ourselves to be who we are with nothing to prove or to hide, takes a bit of healthy defiance, which the Aquarian energy holds.
One of the deadliest killers to personal sovereignty and authentic self-expression is comparing ourselves to others. While comparing is a natural way that we process information and make sense of our experience, when we compare ourselves to others we can undermine our own sense of self and deny others their unique selfhood as well.
Becoming mindful of the ways we conform and how comparison functions in the way we relate to others and ourselves is mutually liberating.
Essential Self-Inquiry for Consciousness Around Comparison
1. Set aside an hour (investing time in yourself is the best investment you can make) this full moon.
2. Create a space to relax with a journal, pen and a cup or glass or tea to reflect upon these questions in a free writing exercise.
What is your relationship with social and cultural conventions?
How do you feel when someone walks in the room who expresses clear originality in the way they look, dress, express and/or present themselves?
What is your inner reaction to a person who shines and shimmers in their authenticity; whose presence commands attention?
Do you compare yourself to others in ways that can trigger feelings of inferiority or judgement?
3. In the next week carry these questions with you.
4. Pay attention to your inner world as you react to the outer world.
5. When a situation arises that relates to one of these inquiries simply and ask yourself how would it feel to shift that inner dynamic?
We will continue this inquiry as the moon wanes. If you are interested in going deeper, please consider an Astral Insight Session or work with me in a deep process of self-discovery, pattern breaking, and personal evolution.