This Half Moon in Sagittarius is an opportune time to inquire into our relationship with indulgence, play, travel, and adventure. During this Celestial Cycle, as we reflect upon how tuned into our own Inner Healer we are, it is key to be honest with ourselves regarding our relationship with food, rest, play, exercise, stimulants (caffeine and sugar) and alcohol.
We all desire pleasure and we all have tendencies with respect to when and how we indulge. Some of us lean into indulgence while others are too duty bound to allow ourselves to enjoy the pleasures of life. Both of these tendencies are supported by different sides of our culture.
On the one hand the marketplace encourages us to consume consume consume, while the message of the workplace is that if you are not working yourself to the bone, your advancement and your career is at risk. While for parents, the message is that if you are not hyper vigilant with respect to the development of your children, they are at risk.
This context often leads to a relationship with pleasure and indulgence that swings like a pendulum, rather than one that is in balance. If we are not conscious of our own tendencies and the way they interact with cultural messages, we can swing ways that undermine our well-being.
Take time on this Half Moon to consider your relationship with indulgence.
Set aside an hour and take a walk in the woods, go to a park, or find a cozy spot at home to sit with a journal or a way to record your reflections.
Take 10 deep breaths and tune into your surroundings. Look around and see what you see. Feel and smell the quality of the air. Listen to the sounds around you.
3. Look over the last few months and ask yourself:
What is my relationship with the things that bring me pleasure?
Do I have a tendency to overindulge or be self-denying?
Free write a bit about how your tendency, whichever way you lean, impacts your sense of wellbeing.
Do I swing from one extreme to another?
What are the messages or beliefs that underpin the way I tend to engage with indulgence?
How do I feel about my relationship with indulgence?
4. Take these insights and consider what would support you in finding balance?
5. Make a plan to take one action step that would bring you more toward balance in the next week.
Our relationship with pleasure and indulgence is so central to our well-being that calling ourselves to a more conscious level of engagement and taking steps to find balance not only improves our health, but supports a healthy self-esteem.
I would be delighted, through an Astral Insight Session, to provide you support in diving into a deeper relationship with your Inner Healer. Through compassionate self-awareness we can make shifts to be healthier in mind, body, and spirit. If you are interested in exploring these themes further and working with me to learn tools, practices and strategies, visit the "Astral Insight" tab on my website.