Pisces embodies the emotional, mystical, and intuitive nature. It’s symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions. The sensitivity embodied in Pisces is both a portal to intuitive knowing as well as temptation toward escapism.
The conditions required to hear the guidance of our Inner Healer are not highly valued in mainstream culture; which orients us outside of ourselves and bombards us with emotional content that can fuel the tendency to want to numb ourselves rather than feel.
Being aware of how and when we are choosing to lose ourselves rather than find ourselves is key to healing of any kind. Coming into balance with our sensitivity as embodied in Pisces and learning to unplug and turn within is key to coming into the right relationship with our Inner Healer; which is the archetype that we are exploring this Celestial Cycle.
When we combine the power of our intuition with practical knowledge and a commitment to our wellbeing, we are truly empowered to tend to our mental, emotional, and physical health.
Take time while the Moon is full in Pisces, reflecting on the sun in Virgo, to ask whether you are dropping in or checking out, and tune into what you need to do boost your own overall health and wellbeing.
1. Choose to make one evening entirely screen free.
2. Make yourself a home cooked meal using fresh ingredients you choose by getting quiet within and asking what would be most nourishing to your body.
3. Put on some music that relaxes and soothes your mind.
4. Take some time after your meal to sit with a cup of tea and a piece of paper and free on whichever set of questions holds the most charge for you.
What am doing regularly in my life that I know is not supporting my well-being; when did this become a habit; how do I feel about this; what would I like to do differently and what am I willing to do to make this change?
What areas of my life am I trying to escape from or avoid dealing with? Why am I avoiding this or trying to escape? How long have I been doing this? What are the consequences of doing this?
What would it mean to turn toward the issue rather than away from it?
What support might I need to engage rather than continue to avoid?
5. When you are finished take a moment to offer yourself a pat on the back for taking this time to unplug, drop-in, and engage honestly in self-inquiry. Offer yourself a hug and tuck yourself into bed in a spirit of kindness, compassion and love.
In the processes and programs I facilitate, much of the work is in helping people learn to withdraw their attention from things outside of themselves and to orient within for the answers.
I support people in gaining compassionate self-awareness and engage in processes and practices to connect them to their Inner Healer and support them in tuning into their own intuitive guidance.
If you use this exploration please share your feedback in the comments section.