Tis’ the season of flirtation and fertility. The world is exploding in color, sound and movement designed to attract and enliven. Among us humans this energy is bouncing around in a culture with a deeply conflicted relationship with sensuality and sexuality.
As the Moon waxes to full in the constellation of Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus, it is an opportune time to look at how all of this lives in you, but why?!?!?
Taurus exemplifies the part of us that longs to relish in earthly pleasures; celebrate the wonder of nature; create objects of beauty; prepare succulent meals for their beloved; delight in the senses and take time to luxuriate in the fulfillment of desire.
Scorpio represents our sexual nature, reflecting the intensity of sexual desire, energy and encounter as a gateway to profound intimacy and transformation. This archetype is also associated with the power of the unconscious mind as well as literal and figurative death.
In large part contemporary attitudes and expressions of sensuality and sexuality have developed in a paradigm of repression and control established and enforced through the religious tenets of many different belief systems. These cultural messages keep so many of us from experiencing our sensuality and sexuality with easeful sincerity.
This paradigm denies many of us an easeful communicating and the comfort to inquire freely and openly with family and peers about these aspects that are so completely integral to who we are as beings.
Moreover, in attempts to tamp down desire, sensuality is also sanctioned and we find ourselves living in a culture that is stifled and immature in its engagement with sensual pleasure and sexual fulfillment.
Buckling under this overlay of sexual taboo and stifiling of sensuality, as a collective, we witness the results of repression backfiring. Creating a taboo of something so natural and powerful fuels prohibited desire, rendering sex a powerful commodity that is blown up and featured in the marketplace in ways that are distorting and one-dimensional.
In this split, the breadth and depth of our sensual and sexual natures are not given the regard or consideration they deserve. Our social, and for many, our personal engagements with our sensual and sexual nature are deprived of their inherent meaning, emotional implications and energetic importance.
These dynamics touch all of us.
It is incumbent upon each of us to grapple with our own relationship with our sensual and sexual nature in the face of the conflicted context of our contemporary culture. In order to become integrated and empowered to have healthy and fulfilling relationships with our sensuality and sexuality, we must navigate these extremes to find our own balance.
The timing and confluence in this Full Moon is particularly potent symbolically and energetically to dive deep to bring release and balance in these areas. It is a opportune time to release anything we have internalized that prohibits us from experiencing our sensuality and sexuality mindfully. Let us take this opportunity to invite open, meaningful and authentic engagement with ourselves in these areas to support our embodied integration and wellbeing.
While I write this in light of the timing with this moon, this practice can be undertaken ANYTIME to tend to these vital aspects of you!
Get in touch with the earth, sit on her, feel the quality of the air you are breathing, smell the fragrances, hear the sounds around you in layers.
Picture yourself at an age when you we're just forming your sense of yourself as a sensual and sexual being. Honor your wholesome innocence, your emerging desire and curiosity to explore these arousing feelings.
Be present to yourself with tenderness and sincere interest to discover, peering within to inquire:
What characterizes your relationship with your sensuality?
Are their messages from your past (family, religion, peers, other influences) or experiences that proscribe sensual pleasure?
What is your relationship to your sexual energy?
How do you respond internally or externally when you see someone taking deep pleasure in something?
How much pleasure do you allow yourself?
What thoughts, emotional patterns, insecurities, shame, repression do you harbor around your sexual nature?
Do you feel open and in balance with how you engage with your sexual energy? If you sense an imbalance, explore how your experience it.
Do you have clear boundaries and exercise integrity in the way that you relate through your sexuality in relationship to others?
Do you feel open to communicate and express to intimate partners or friends about your sexual needs or desires?
Allow yourself to dive into which ever question(s) holds the most charge for you.
Be willing to observe and release what does not serve wholesome engagement, integration and personal integrity with respect to your ability to take pleasure in your sensuality and experience your sexual nature.
Allow words, feelings and/or symbols that reflect what you intend/desire to feel and express o emerge.
Articulate your intention to release those aspects that you recognize as inhibiting the true balance in your relationship with your sensual and sexual nature.
Relish in the inner connection, linger in the pleasure of the night and your own company. Emerge open to engaging the world from a new level of self-connection, balance and clarity.
If this perspective and process resonates with you, consider and an Astrological Interpretation to support deeper inquiry; of one of my personalized Programs for Evolving Mindfully. Join us for a Moon Circles and share in sacred space for sisterhood to reflect, inquire, release, embrace and manifestation based on the cycles of nature, the symbolism and energy of the cosmos and the world around us. Visit evolvingmindfully.com to learn more.